
This textbook covers the design and analysis of steel structures for buildings according to EN 1990 (Eurocode 0), EN 1991 (Eurocode 1) and EN 1993 (Eurocode 3).
‘Structural basics’ is effective as a textbook for students and as a reference guide to the Eurocodes 0, 1 and 3 for practising structural engineers.
The authors – prof.ir. H.H. Snijder and ir. H.M.G.M. Steenbergen – are experienced tutors in the field of (steel) structures:

  • Chapter 1 describes the theory and background of EN 1990 in terms of structural safety, reliability and the design values of resistances and actions.
  • Chapter 2 deals with actions and deformations described in EN 1991. The permanent loads and variable actions and in particular the imposed loads and the snow and wind actions are discussed.
  • Chapter 3 is about modelling, discussing the schematization of the structural system, the joints and the materials properties as well as the cross-section properties.
  • Chapter 4 deals with the classification of frames and the various analysis methods for unbraced and braced frames.
  • Chapter 5 then goes deeper into these analysis methods to determine the force distribution and deformations.
  • Chapter 6 deals with the assessment by code-checking of (parts of) the steel structure with EN 1993-1-1 and EN 1993-1-8. At a basic level, the assessment of the resistance of cross-sections, the stability of members under axial forces and the resistance of bolted and welded connections are explained.
  • Chapter 7 discusses in an extensive way the assessment by code-checking of the resistance of cross-sections, both for single and combined internal forces. The principles of the assessment of the resistance of cross-sections according to the elastic and plastic theory are also discussed.

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Structural Basics contains 272 pages and is published as hard cover.

The book has hundreds of illustrations to clarify the text.

prof.ir. H.H. (Bert) Snijder

Bert Snijder is professor of Structural Design (Steel Structues), Department of the Build Environment at Eindhoven University of Technology. He is a member of CEN/TC250/SC3, the European committee which is responsible for the creation of Eurocode 3

Worked example

Each chapter in the book contains worked examples.

Also in these worked examples, the influence of national annexes for the Eurocodes is indicated with the  NA -symbol.